Monday, 20 January 2014


Well it is the new year and I am committed to trying to keep my progress on my troops more regular, I have finished a UH-1 and 2 AH1s. Next is to finish a harrier and building, then painting a Bronco and my air support will almost be finished.
The LAV company is almost complete, it has been extended to include a mortar variant and a command variant. The Heavy Weapons company is done as is to add stowage to the LVTP7s. I need to paint the dismounted version's of the heavy weapons 2 TOW launcers, a 0.50cal and AGL. Then once the M1s are painted the USMC force will essentially be finished... I have weakened and brought M551s so I can extend the forces to cover the airbourne forces in the gulf....and lastly I have a pile of Bradleys, M901s and some support troops to cover the regular army.

Next 2 big projects....first up is my terrain that is coming together slowly. Buildings are the go at the moment (they and the road network are from gameCraft in the US). Lastly is the Iraqi army....2 fold benefits for this. I can game against Clive's Iranians and of course against the marines. I took advantage of the "Stopping the Red Tide" deal at QRF so have a pile of T72s and support and I got a bundle of BMP1s from Old Glory....

I took some shots of a game on the weekend of my USMC defending against Clive's Iranians. We keep tweaking the rules further to try and speed the game up....not 100% successful but we keep trying!