Wednesday, 5 August 2015


A lot has actually happened on the painting just hasn't been blogged start with here are my first 8 terrain boards of buildings. Vehicles to be added when I actually base them!

Friday, 20 June 2014

To follow up from the buildings, here are the T72s.....almost done! Just have to get some new bases from warbases....accidently got the basic bases that are cut by saw not laser....laser is well worth the extra cost!!!!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


After finishing a large amount of 10mm WW1 troops for a big game at Wargames Illustrated HQ I am back to my modern stuff.... The T72s are almost finished so I will post those soon...then the BMPs and support weapons! and some infantry....

Concurrent with all this is my terrain, I have base boards and all the stuff I think I need to finish it. So I have 2 "farmlets", 8 1foot square tiles for my town and 2 other larger base boards for some industrial blocks.

I have also picked up quite a few plam trees and some pre-cut mdf shapes to fashion some areas of have to break up the desert somehow!

This is the photo of where by town currently sits.....looking forward to the finished result!!!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Whilst I have been carefully cleaning up and gluing together my Iraqi horde (over 40 vehicles) I have managed a game against Clive using the Flames of War modern variant from the blog ( It played well and there was nothing that caused too much concern over being unrealistic....

I will likely try to tie things in more closely to the recent releases for Vietnam and Arab-Israli Wars...sure this will mean armour classes of 20 for M1A1s but I'll see how it goes!

Work still progressing on the buildings as well, I got a few more from Game Craft Miniatures and I also have some oil storage tanks etc for an industrial zone....just need the time to finish it all!!!!

Here's a picture of this week's game of USMC versus generic middle eastern forces.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Finally some helicopter support. Until I build the OV10 Bronco I am using the UH-1 as an FAC team. UH1 is Battlefront as are the bases. AH-1 are Fabbri from ebay sources. The Marine decal should be low visc dark grey but see comments previously re my decal issues, the off white ones are the from a opaque covered decal...the black (and correct) decals are torn up in disgust at the bottom of my bin....grrrrrrr!

Next is what has become my favorite unit so far, the LAV company... all QRF. So Commander, 3 platoons of normal LAV25, 1 recon LAV25, 1 LAV with mortar and finally the LAV-AT. Normal 1 stand = 1 platoon. The turret for the LAV seems a bit thin...I have added machine guns from the Battlefront M113 box, this aids in improving the height of the model. Apparently the mold has been recently chnaged....but these LAVs were very poorly cast for the back in particular. Biggest frustration has been the decals from I-94/Minibits, the LAVs were almost propelled across the room such was my frustration!!! the slightest hint of water and the decals just crumble. I have found the decals that have an opaque sheet covering them are OK but avoid the transparent covered ones at all costs!!!!

Next up is the Battalion Heavy Weapons company. All mounted at this stage, I have models to do the dismounted version but this is not high on the painting plan just yet! All are Peter Pig.The unit is scaled to have 2 TOW sections, 1 with 40mm AGL and one with 0.50cal.